Monday, August 16, 2010

Moving on, moving out, moving in and comin' home!

The idea of moving has occupied a great deal of my thoughts today and I decided to bring what is moving in my life on to the page.
 I dropped off my rented bike this AM. That bike has been a fun and trusty pal for the last two weeks and it has moved me throughout Sonoma safely and effortlessly. But, it was nice to take a long leisurely walk from the bike shop back to the cottage. As my feet were happily moving me home I was awe struck by all of the movement that is currently in my life.
I look the big leap in June, quit my job and began to plan my sabbatical. I was movin' on.!
A few days before I left for Sonoma ,I found out unexpectedly, that my condo had sold and that I would be returning ten days earlier from California in order to pack up, move out and move into my new home. I am movin' on.
There are six more precious months before this sacred sabbatical ends, and if the type of "inner" movement that I have experienced here continues for the rest of my renewal, it will be pure glory. I will be movin' on .........and coming home..... to myself. I will have come full circle to this long awaited new beginning, this new life that God has so kindly and lovingly chosen for me.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like this is just a wonderful experience for you. I am so happy for you--and you inspire to think about doing something like this sometime in my future. these are HUGE steps you are taking and walking in--please know how much you are loved. Can't wait to see you,



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