Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Day "Packed" With Emotions

The day was filled with the sound of tape ripping, bubble wrap popping and paper wrapping the rest of my belongings. As I was packing up my kitchen desk, I found a small manila envelope filled with some letters from my mother. I held them close to my heart and shed some tears of longing....longing for my blessed mom-Lady. Seeing her beautiful handwriting was so powerful and intimate, it was if she were right there encouraging me to get on with all that still needs to be done.
Lady always told her truth and I dearly miss her "take" on my world....her heart felt advice on my children, grandchildren, work, relationships, hopes and fears was priceless to me. Does anyone ever take the place of your mother? Not for me.
I could have used her sage advice today. Packing up and moving on, both literally and emotionally, is a complex dynamic for me. As I shed the skin of my former life, I feel both open and vulnerable at the same time. What is it that she would say to me in this moment, I wonder?
Well, I need to go now, as I will soon close my eyes and share all of this with Lady, as I drift off to sleep for he last night in my former life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kelli...what a beautiful tribute to your mother.
    You do know that she hears you. God bless...


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